Contraceptive coil implants (IUD intrauterine device or copper coil) or birth control are available at Hale Health.
We offer this private contraceptive service on a self-pay basis to women in Newry and Mourne and across County Armagh and County Down. We also offer private female patients from further afield the option of a virtual contraceptive consultation.
Long-acting reversible contraceptive implants, such as coils and in-arm, are extremely effective at providing excellent contraception and avoid the pitfalls of human error such as incorrect pill taking or accidents when using a condom. The coil insertion procedure is the same, whether Mirena or copper IUD.
At your consultation our GP gynaecology specialist will discuss the options and work together with you to decide the most suitable method.
The long-acting and reversible contraceptives we have available are:
- The Copper Coil (Intrauterine device – IUD)
- Mirena (Intrauterine systems – IUS)
- Kyleena (IUD)
- Nexplanon (Contraceptive implants)
More details on each of these methods are in the FAQs below.
Our Birth Control service for women is led by Dr Fíonna McDonald, an experienced GP who is passionate about women’s health and has done additional training in contraceptive techniques and menopause care. Fíonna is also an Associate member of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Read more about Dr Fíonna or contact us to book a Birth Control consultation.
Alternatively, if your male partner is interested in a Vasectomy, our Men’s Health Clinic led by Dr Tayo provides a no-scalpel vasectomy service using keyhole surgery. Find out more about our Male Sterilisation service and about Dr Tayo.
Book an appointment - prices from £149
No referrals required.
Arrange an appointment online, or by calling us on 028 3073 1035
"Reproductive control is a key aspect of women's lives and freedoms, and using contraceptive implants offers a highly effective way for women to retain this control. At Hale Health we'll explore the right options for you, and make the procedure as comfortabe and easy as possible."
Dr Fíonna McDonald
Enquire About Our Coil and Implant Contraception Options
A member of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
We aim to make your procedure as comfortable as possible. We encourage patients to have something to eat and drink prior to the procedure.
The procedure is relatively painless, but you have the option to take simple painkillers, like Paracetemol or Ibuprofen, 30 minutes before your appointment.
The depth of the womb is measured and then the coil is inserted swiftly and gently using its insertion device.
Some women report cramping pains similar to period cramps for a day or 2 after the procedure as the coil settles. Usually this can be eased with simple painkillers. But if it gets worse or doesn’t settle then it may need further review.
The most common side effect of Minera / Kyleena is change to the menstrual cycle – periods should be less heavy / painful but there may be prolonged spotting (light bleeding) particularly in the early months and you may not have a regular, predictable period. For many women the period stops altogether. The majority of the progesterone hormone acts within the womb and only a small amount is released into the blood stream. Please note some women who are sensitive to progesterone type hormones may experience mood change, breast tenderness, acne or change in libido.
The Copper Coil is inserted into the womb via a minor procedure. It creates a hostile environment for any sperm reaching the womb and effectively kills them off. It can be used as emergency contraceptive if inserted within 5 days of intercourse depending on the timing within your menstrual cycle.
Intrauterine systems are similar in shape to the copper coil but release a small amount of hormone directly into the womb lining. They provide contraception by creating a mucus plug over the cervix to prevent sperm getting through.
They also thin the lining of the womb, this usually results in lighter shorter periods. They may or may not inhibit ovulation.
The Mirena coil is licensed for 6 years for contraception when inserted in someone under 45 years old. If inserted for someone over 45 years it can remain until 55 years for contraception or control of heavy menstrual bleeding. It is licensed for 5 years when used as part of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
The Kyleena is licensed for 5 years for contraception and heavy menstrual bleeding control. It is not suitable for use as part of HRT.
The Kyleena is smaller than other implants and has a lower dose of hormone, making it more suitable for women who have never had a pregnancy or have never had a sexual partner.
Sometimes known as ‘the bar’ or ‘the rod’, the Nexplanon implant is a small rubbery device inserted into a woman’s non-dominant arm under a local anaesthetic.
It slowly releases a progesterone-type hormone into the blood stress which then causes a mucus plug to form over the cervix and also thins the lining of the womb. Periods should become lighter and less painful. They may become irregular and prolonged spotting is common in the first few months. Often periods will stop altogether or become less frequent.
Other progesterone type side effects include mood swings, acne, breast tenderness and change in libido. These may be more noticeable in the first few months after insertion but will usually settle in time for the majority of women.